B.Voc Computer Multimedia I 0% 10 B.Voc_Computer_Multimedia_I set 1 1 / 50 CMYK stands for ____________________. Cyan, Magentosh, Yellow, Kropton Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black Civin, Magenta, Yellow, Konton Ciyan, Magenta, Yellow, Kripton 2 / 50 Shortcut key for select all is _________. Ctrl +A Ctrl + ALL Ctrl + Shift + A Alt + Shift + A 3 / 50 ________________ is used for removing folks or objects inside a picture. CorelDRAW Photoshop Indesign Illustrator 4 / 50 Adobe Photoshop CC is the ____________of Photoshop Creative Cloud model Creative Complex model Creative plain model Creative Combine model 5 / 50 __________is the shortcut of Apply Video Transition in Adobe Premiere Pro. Ctrl + D Shift+Ctrl + D D Shift + D 6 / 50 __________is the shortcut of Render Effects in Work Area in Adobe Premiere Pro. Backspace Delete Enter R 7 / 50 __________is the shortcut of Group Ctrl + G G Shift + G Alt+ G 8 / 50 __________is the shortcut of Speed/Duration in Adobe Premiere Pro. Shift+Ctrl + R Ctrl + R Shift + R Alt + R 9 / 50 To export a video to Premiere Pro, go to ____________. Edit> Export> Media File> Export> Media View> Export> Media Menu> Export> Media 10 / 50 The apple-developed_______supports several types of codecs. This container format is commonly used in both capture and export. .mov .prproj .cdr .psd 11 / 50 __________is the shortcut of Ripple Delete in Adobe Premiere Pro. Shift + Delete Shift + Delete + Ctrl Shift +Backspace Alt + Delete 12 / 50 __________is the shortcut of selection in Adobe Premiere Pro. V S M P 13 / 50 _____________ is used to play and pause a video in Adobe Premiere Pro. Space bar shift bar ctrl bar alt bar 14 / 50 ____________ is a vector graphics program. Photoshop CorelDRAW Audition Premiere Pro 15 / 50 __________is the shortcut key for import in Adobe Premiere Pro. Ctrl + Import Alt + I Ctrl + I Shift + I 16 / 50 Shortcut key of Razor tool in Adobe premier is______. R A C K 17 / 50 Find what tool is the quickest and easiest way to add a row of bubbles to a 2D vector design? Bezier or pen Spiral or contour Artistic media or paintbrush Rectangle or shape 18 / 50 Find what is NOT a color model used on 2D and 3D images? RGB HSV LZW CMYK 19 / 50 Which tool is NOT a basic drawing tool Bezier Freehand Eyedropper Pencil 20 / 50 Find what tool allows you to get a closer look at an object? Zoom Pick Text Eyedropper 21 / 50 Find what type of text would you use to create a title? Bezier Freehand Artistic paragraph 22 / 50 In Corel Draw the keyboard shortcut to save your drawing is____ Alt +s Ctrl +s Shift +s Ctrl +Shift+S 23 / 50 CorelDraw is a ____________ based drawing Application Package Photo paint Bitmap Vector Scalar 24 / 50 ______________ is used for selecting and deselecting objects. Bezier tool freehand tool shape tool pick tool 25 / 50 We have ____________ paper Orientation in CorelDraw. 1 2 3 4 26 / 50 When an A2 paper is divided equally from the center, which size will you obtain? A3 A4 A5 A6 27 / 50 ______the shortcut key to zoom in on all objects in the drawing. F4 F3 F5 F6 28 / 50 ______ toggles between the current tool and the Pick tool. Spacebar Backspace Delete Enter 29 / 50 __________ is the shortcut key to place the selected object(s) back one position in the object stacking order. Shift + PgDn Ctrl + PgDn Alt+ PgDn Ctrl+Shift + PgDn 30 / 50 Find what is the shortcut key to combining the selected objects? CtrI +Y Ctrl +Q Ctrl +L CtrI +K 31 / 50 Shortcut key of New Layer in Adobe Photoshop is______. Shift+Ctrl+N Alt+Ctrl+N Shift+Alt+N N 32 / 50 Shortcut key of Crop Tool in Adobe Photoshop is______. Ctrl+C C Shift+C Alt+C 33 / 50 Shortcut key of Rectangular Marquee Tool in Adobe Photoshop is______. M Ctrl+M Shift+M Alt+M 34 / 50 Shortcut key of Pen tool in Adobe Photoshop is______. Pen P Ctrl+P Shift+P 35 / 50 What is the meaning of S in HSB color model ? Saaturation Satuation Saturation Saturasion 36 / 50 The full form of GIF Graphics Interchange Format Graphics inter file Gray-scale Interchange file Graphics Interchange file 37 / 50 What is the full form of RGB ? Red Green Black Red Gray Black Red Green Blue Red Green Brown 38 / 50 Full form of PPI Picture per inch Pixel per inch Pin Point Inch Permit per inch 39 / 50 Full form of DPI Dots per inch Dots per ink Disk Point Inch Display per inch 40 / 50 Which menu contains the duplicate layer option in Photoshop? Image Layer Filter Edit 41 / 50 Which company made Photoshop? Citrix Systems Cisco Systems Adobe Systems Microsoft 42 / 50 The images are made of ________ DPI Pixels Drawing Pictures 43 / 50 What is the shortcut key to create a duplicate layer of a layer? Ctrl+T Ctrl+N Ctrl+D Ctrl+J 44 / 50  Which of these color models is not in Photoshop? RGB LAB CNYK HSB 45 / 50 What types of graphics are made of Pixels? Raster Image Vector Graphics Mask Clip Mask 46 / 50 What is the shortcut key to create a new file in Photoshop? File, new Ctrl + N Ctrl+Shift+N Shift+N 47 / 50 By using which of these options, a new file is created in Photoshop File > New  File > Open Create > New Start > New File 48 / 50 Which color mode is used for printing? RGB CMYK Gray Scale Pantone 49 / 50 In which of these formats does not change the image quality when the image is saved? .tiff .prproj .aep .cdr 50 / 50 Which of these formats supports Transparency? .jpeg .png .gif .jpg Your score is 8 B.Voc Computer Multimedia I set 2 1 / 50 What is the Resolution of FULL HD video? 320 x 480 720 x 480 800 x 600 1920 x 1080 2 / 50 What is an effect that takes place between two slides, scenes, or clips. Animation Transition Scale Pan 3 / 50 What is the file extension for a Premiere Pro project? .prproj .pproj .preproj .pprj 4 / 50 How do you silence a highlighted section of audio? Right click on clip and choose Silence Ctrl+S Enter S 5 / 50 How do you delete a highlighted section of audio? Press the return key Press the delete key Press the space bar Press 1 for more options 6 / 50 How do you highlight a section of audio ? stop, drop, and roll control and space bar double click and drag click, hold, and drag 7 / 50 What is the shortcut key to STOP and PLAY audio? the D button the space bar the T button the Q button 8 / 50 What are the names of the two edit views/modes? short and long easy and hard waveform and multitrack single and double 9 / 50 How can you unlink clips when they both show white? Right click on clip and choose unlink click on clip hold c Ctrl + U Shift+Ctrl+U 10 / 50 What is the shortcut for zoom in on (enlarge) the timeline control z option z + 11 / 50 On the timeline, what does the spacebar do? Create a space on the timeline Creates a new timeline Toggle Play and Stop Create play panel 12 / 50 What file extension is used by Windows Media​ Files? .docx .wmv .mov .pptx 13 / 50 I have three video layers, V1, V2 and V3. Which one will display on top. V1 V2 V3 V4 14 / 50 If I want to select a portion of a media clip (video or audio) by selecting the start and finish points, what points do I need to set first? Click and drag from start to finish. Marker 1 and marker 2. Start point and end point. In point and out point. 15 / 50 Anything you import into your Adobe Premiere Pro will appear in the _______ Source Monitor Info Panel Project Panel Program Monitor 16 / 50 Which tool should you use to split a clip and create a cut point? Cut tool Razor tool Selection tool Track select tool 17 / 50 __________ is the shortcut for type tool in Photoshop. T Shift + T Ctrl + T Alt + T 18 / 50 The ___________ allows you to add text to your file. Type tool Simplify tool Pick tool Writeup tool 19 / 50 __________ is the file saving extension of CorelDRAW. .cde .cdr .cdd .corel 20 / 50 ______________ adjustment allow you to create grayscale versions of your images. Colour balance Exposure Black-and-White Vibrance 21 / 50 The _______________ is used to make the object transparent which means partially transparent.. Transparency tool Contour tool Distortion tool Interactive envelope tool 22 / 50 CorelDRAW has to text option that is _______________. Paragraph and text Artistic and paragraph text Character formatting and text formatting Artistic text and alignment text 23 / 50 An ___________ fills colour and tonal adjustments to an image without permanently changing pixel values. Pixels Background layer Adjustment layer Clip 24 / 50 ______________ gives you the ability to place one object or several objects inside a container. Blend tool Interactive envelope tool Distortion tool Powerclip 25 / 50 ______________ controls how large or small the photo will be printed based on its current image size. Resampling Image resolution Image cropping Image size 26 / 50 An ______________is used to fold entire shapes or groups of shapes but change the shape of their cover. Transparency tool Contour tool Distortion tool Envelope tool 27 / 50 Photoshop supports a maximum dimension of _________ thousand pixels per image. 400 600 300 500 28 / 50  Multi channel colour mode gives you _________ Shades of Grey in each channel 257 255 258 259 29 / 50  when printing CMYK colour mode is a combination of four inks namely_______. Cyaan, Magenta, Yellow and Kriton Cyain, Magenda, Yellow and Key Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Konti Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black 30 / 50 The _________ colour mode is represented using primary colors. Grayscale MASK Lab channel RGB 31 / 50 _______is used for moving objects and image all around the screen so as to zoom in and make the work easier. Zoom tool Hand tool Custom shape tool Rotate view tool 32 / 50 The_____________ permits a designer to draw freehand shapes and parts.  Freeform pen tool Pen tool Curvature pen tool Add anchor pen tool 33 / 50 ____________draws moderate blends between multiple colours Paint bucket tool Gradient tool 3D material drop too Magic eraser tool 34 / 50 ______________selects areas of the same color with a single click Quick selection tool Magic wand tool Art board tool Rectangular marquee tool 35 / 50 The ________________ in Photoshop selects a line of pixels from left to right in the image Zoom tool Magic Wand tool Single row marquee tool Select tool 36 / 50 The______________is used to move layers in Photoshop document Move tool Rectangular marquee tool Elliptical marquee tool Artboard tool 37 / 50 _____________contains tools to create and edit images artwork page elements etc. Tools panel Layer panel Navigator panel color panel 38 / 50 Shortcut key of Layer in Photoshop is______. F+7 Ctrl+F7 F7 Shift+F7 39 / 50 What is the extension of Photoshop? .psd .spd .pds .pdf 40 / 50 What is the shortcut key for deselection in Photoshop? Ctrl +Shift+D Ctrl +D Alt +Shift+D Alt + Shift + Ctrl+D 41 / 50 Adobe Photoshop was initially developed in __________ by the brother’s John and Thomas Knoll. 1987 1988 1989 1990 42 / 50 Shortcut key of Transformation in Photoshop is______. Ctrl +Shift+T Ctrl +T Alt +Shift+T Alt + Shift + Ctrl+T 43 / 50 ______________ equipment provides access to pre-set, brushes, sprayers, calligraphy, and expression tools. Artistic media tool Bezier Tool Polyline Tool Pen Tool 44 / 50 The ____________lets you take out unwanted areas in objects. Pan Tool Repel Tool Zoom tool Crop tool 45 / 50 _________________ is a pixel based software. Indesign Premiere Pro CorelDRAW Photoshop 46 / 50 ____________adjust the tonal range of your image. Exposure Levels Curves Brightness / contrast 47 / 50 CMYK stands for ____________________. Cyan, Magentosh, Yellow, Kropton Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black Civin, Magenta, Yellow, Konton Ciyan, Magenta, Yellow, Kripton 48 / 50 Shortcut key for select all is _________. Ctrl +A Ctrl + ALL Ctrl + Shift + A Alt + Shift + A 49 / 50 ________________ is used for removing folks or objects inside a picture. CorelDRAW Photoshop Indesign Illustrator 50 / 50 Adobe Photoshop CC is the ____________of Photoshop Creative Cloud model Creative Complex model Creative plain model Creative Combine model Your score is