B.Voc Computer Multimedia I


B.Voc_Computer_Multimedia_I set 1

1 / 50

CMYK stands for ____________________.

2 / 50

Shortcut key for select all is _________.

3 / 50

________________ is used for removing folks or objects inside a picture.

4 / 50

Adobe Photoshop CC is the ____________of Photoshop

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__________is the shortcut of Apply Video Transition in Adobe Premiere Pro.

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__________is the shortcut of Render Effects in Work Area in Adobe Premiere Pro.

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__________is the shortcut of Group

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__________is the shortcut of Speed/Duration in Adobe Premiere Pro.

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To export a video to Premiere Pro, go to ____________.

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The apple-developed_______supports several types of codecs. This container format is commonly used in both capture and export.

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__________is the shortcut of Ripple Delete in Adobe Premiere Pro.

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__________is the shortcut of selection in Adobe Premiere Pro.

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_____________ is used to play and pause a video in Adobe Premiere Pro.

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____________ is a vector graphics program.

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__________is the shortcut key for import in Adobe Premiere Pro.

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Shortcut key of Razor tool in Adobe premier is______.

17 / 50

Find what tool is the quickest and easiest way to add a row of bubbles to a 2D vector design?

18 / 50

Find what is NOT a color model used on 2D and 3D images?

19 / 50

Which tool is NOT a basic drawing tool 

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Find what tool allows you to get a closer look at an object?

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Find what type of text would you use to create a title?

22 / 50

In Corel Draw the keyboard shortcut to save your drawing is____

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CorelDraw is a ____________ based drawing Application Package

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______________ is used for selecting and deselecting objects.

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We have ____________ paper Orientation in CorelDraw.

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When an A2 paper is divided equally from the center, which size will you obtain?

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______the shortcut key to zoom in on all objects in the drawing.

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______ toggles between the current tool and the Pick tool.

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__________ is the shortcut key to place the selected object(s) back one position in the object stacking order.

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Find what is the shortcut key to combining the selected objects?

31 / 50

Shortcut key of New Layer in Adobe Photoshop is______.

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Shortcut key of Crop Tool in Adobe Photoshop is______.

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Shortcut key of Rectangular Marquee Tool in Adobe Photoshop is______.

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Shortcut key of Pen tool in Adobe Photoshop is______.

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What is the meaning of S in HSB color model ?

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The full form of GIF

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What is the full form of RGB ?

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Full form of PPI

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Full form of DPI

40 / 50

Which menu contains the duplicate layer option in Photoshop?

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Which company made Photoshop?

42 / 50

The images are made of ________

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What is the shortcut key to create a duplicate layer of a layer?

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 Which of these color models is not in Photoshop?

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What types of graphics are made of Pixels?

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What is the shortcut key to create a new file in Photoshop?

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By using which of these options, a new file is created in Photoshop

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Which color mode is used for printing?

49 / 50

In which of these formats does not change the image quality when the image is saved?

50 / 50

Which of these formats supports Transparency?

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B.Voc Computer Multimedia I set 2

1 / 50

What is the Resolution of FULL HD video?

2 / 50

What is an effect that takes place between two slides, scenes, or clips.

3 / 50

What is the file extension for a Premiere Pro project?

4 / 50

How do you silence a highlighted section of audio?

5 / 50

How do you delete a highlighted section of audio?

6 / 50

How do you highlight a section of audio ?

7 / 50

What is the shortcut key to STOP and PLAY audio?

8 / 50

What are the names of the two edit views/modes?

9 / 50

How can you unlink clips when they both show white?

10 / 50

What is the shortcut for zoom in on (enlarge) the timeline

11 / 50

On the timeline, what does the spacebar do?

12 / 50

What file extension is used by Windows Media​ Files?

13 / 50

I have three video layers, V1, V2 and V3. Which one will display on top.

14 / 50

If I want to select a portion of a media clip (video or audio) by selecting the start and finish points, what points do I need to set first?

15 / 50

Anything you import into your Adobe Premiere Pro will appear in the _______

16 / 50

Which tool should you use to split a clip and create a cut point?

17 / 50

__________ is the shortcut for type tool in Photoshop.

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The ___________ allows you to add text to your file.

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__________ is the file saving extension of CorelDRAW.

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______________ adjustment  allow you to create grayscale versions of your images.

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The _______________ is used to make the object transparent which means partially transparent..

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CorelDRAW has to text option that is _______________.

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An ___________ fills colour and tonal adjustments to an image without permanently changing pixel values.

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______________ gives you the ability to place one object or several objects inside a container.

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______________ controls how large or small the photo will be printed based on its current image size.

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An ______________is used to fold entire shapes or groups of shapes but change the shape of their cover.

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Photoshop supports a maximum dimension of _________ thousand pixels per image.

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 Multi channel colour  mode gives you _________ Shades of Grey in each channel

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 when printing CMYK  colour mode is a combination of four inks  namely_______.

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The _________ colour mode is represented using primary colors.

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_______is used for moving objects and image all around the screen so as to zoom in and make the work easier.

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The_____________ permits a designer to draw freehand shapes and parts.

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____________draws moderate blends between multiple colours

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______________selects  areas of the same color with a single click

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The ________________ in Photoshop selects a line of pixels from left to right in the image

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The______________is used to move layers in Photoshop document

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_____________contains tools to create and edit images artwork page elements etc.

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Shortcut key of Layer in Photoshop is______.

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What is the extension of Photoshop?

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What is the shortcut key for deselection in Photoshop?

41 / 50

Adobe Photoshop was initially developed in __________ by the brother’s John and Thomas Knoll.

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Shortcut key of Transformation in Photoshop is______.

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______________ equipment provides access to pre-set, brushes, sprayers, calligraphy, and expression tools.

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The ____________lets you take out unwanted areas in objects.

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_________________ is a pixel based software.

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____________adjust the  tonal range of your image.

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CMYK stands for ____________________.

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Shortcut key for select all is _________.

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________________ is used for removing folks or objects inside a picture.

50 / 50

Adobe Photoshop CC is the ____________of Photoshop

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